“Working on the streets I’ve experienced some of the most genuine stories of love, compassion, struggle and hope” He comments on his Go Fund Me page.

Not only is he ensuring that homeless animals get to live their best life, but Dr. Stewart’s generosity also makes a large difference in the owners life as well.

Kwane reports that something as simple as giving the homeless population someone to talk to can make a huge impact on their morale.

He has also been personally effected by helping these homeless animals.

He reports that working in the streets has been a “life changing and truly inspiring” experience.

Kwane was recently given the opportunity to share his efforts through a television series called “The Street Vet”.

“The Street Vet” films Dr. Stewart in the streets assisting the homeless pets in his community.

He is hoping the show will help raise awareness and encourage other to give back to their community.

Kwane has been offering his assistance since the recession in 2007 when he decided that he wanted to help those in need.

Paying for medicine and necessary food out of pocket for the animals he helps, Kwane needs your help.

There is currently a Go Fund Me running to support more expensive medical treatments the homeless animals need.

Something as simple as flea-treatment or vaccines can cost up to $100, not to mention the animals in need of surgery, such as tumor removals.

The total medical cost for many of these animals can quickly soar above $1500.

One of the animals that needs help is named Dinker.

Dinker and his owner Walter have a connection like no other.

Dinker has been diagnosed with a rare condition that requires attention from a specialist.

Dr. Stewart is trying to make this happen to the greatest of his ability but the procedure is an expensive one.

Unfortunately Dr. Stewart is not made of money and can not afford to pay for every animal he assists.

With outside funding and help from the community, Kwane will able to assist many more animals in ways he has not been able to before.

In this way each animal can receive the medical support they need to live their best life.

Any donation to the homeless animals is greatly appreciated and will be put to very good use.

More info: Dr. Kwane Stewart
Kwane provides updates on the animals he helps and reports about the new animals he meets on his Facebook, you can keep up with his story there. If you would like to make a donation to Kwane Stewarts efforts you can do so through his GoFundMe 100% of the proceeds go toward Kwane and his work in supporting these homeless animals. He sets an important example for all of us to follow, in the words of Dr. Stewart: “Giving a little can make all the difference.”