Meet Rae. She is a unicorn in the dog world because she only has one ear which has migrated to the top of her head.

This happened because of an accidental injury at birth. Rae’s dog mom was playing a little too rough after she was born resulting in her left ear needing to be removed.

Soon after it was removed and healed, her remaining ear started to migrate to the top of her head.

The accident hasn’t debilitated Rae in any way. She can still hear just fine out of her remaining ear.

The pupper immediately went viral because of her unique feature and everyone simply fell in love with her at first sight.

Golden retrievers are susceptible to ear infections because of their fluffy coats and should be checked for infection weekly. Rae has it easy with one less ear and half the chance of an ear infection now.

Rae’s mom recently created an Instagram account for her and Rae has gained over 20k followers in less than a month.

I’m not surprised in the least. She might just be one of the most adorable golden nuggets in the world!

Rae the one-eared golden retriever is precious and playful according to the videos on her social media.

She has many friends at doggy daycare and loves to play like any puppy does.

Having a fully functional ear on the top of her head makes it very easy for health inspections and cleaning.

It sits perfectly centered like it was meant to be right where it is the whole time.

Just like any golden retriever, Rae is in love with all the attention she is getting because of her unique ear.

One-eared dogs are not uncommon but the fact that her ear migrated to the center of her head is uncommon.

Rae is only 12 weeks old and her name is quite fitting. You’re not going to believe this but…

Rae is “Ear” spelled backwards! No one at the animal care facility has ever seen a dog like her.

More info: Goldenunicornrae
I can’t wait to watch Rae grow up. Golden retrievers are one of my favorite breeds of dogs because of their incredibly loving and playful nature. This one stands out with her unique “unicorn” ear and I think it will only get cuter with time. She can hear just fine and is all smiles just as any puppy should be.