WARNING: Some of these images may disturb you.
The Surabaya Zoo, located in Indonesia, needs to be shut down ASAP. It is Indonesia’s largest zoo and is nicknamed ‘Zoo Of Death’. Many of the animals are very malnourished and do not get proper care. Once you see some of these photos, you’ll see that these animals lack basic care and proper living conditions:

As you can see, they are horribly malnourished.

This lion had all of its teeth pulled out from decay.

This black bear is full of lesions.

The 18-month-old African lion named Michael was found deceased early on January 8th, 2014.

“The lion was found hanging from the roof of his cage. He was very young and got his head stuck in cables that keepers use to open and close the cage.”

The zoo’s last remaining giraffe perished. An autopsy revealed a “beach-ball sized wad of plastic food wrappers” inside its stomach that weighed a shocking 39 pounds.

This Bison has an eye disease.

This white Bengal tiger died after suffering from liver and kidney disease. She was also missing one ear.
Online petitions calling for the closure of this zoo has drawn hundreds of thousands of signatures from around the world.