Wilson found this dog named Francisco de Jesus in the nick of time. Francisco was literally being eaten alive and would have died from his wounds if he was not rescued.
Warning. These images are graphic and may be disturbing to some.

Francisco was found on March 31

Wilson said he found maggots eating and crawling around in Francisco’s open wounds.

Some of the wounds were so deep you could see muscle tissue, sinew and bone.

His ear was full of maggots and severely damaged and infected. Francisco had been dealing with this for quite some time.

The wounds were so bad that cleaning them was a painstaking process.

Francisco loved the food at the end of his treatments and started to show signs of happiness.

The maggots were pulled out of the deep wounds individually with tweezers.

It was a constant process changing bandages and applying ointments but Wilson is committed.

Here are Wilson And Francisco on their way to a checkup at the vet.

With clean wounds and medical treatment his wounds started to heal.

Francisco’s energy levels started to rise along with his health.

It is a long process but Francisco is happier than ever.

With a lot of rest and care his wounds were healing remarkably fast.

Almost all better and feeling like a brand new dog.

Here is Francisco only 4 months after he was found.
Francisco went through a horrible process but is all smiles now. Bless Wilson’s heart and his dedicated work to saving these poor animals. It’s a shame to see what happens to these stray animals around the world and they deserve more awareness.