And because of that, he portrays a lot of the same traits as a cat does:

Meet Tally.

She is a Husky mix.

Until she was two, she was raised by a family with a lot of cats.

Being raised in a family of cats has given her some interesting ideas about what’s fun. A lot of the times she acts like a normal dog.

She loves attention and to be around people.

But she has some very cat-like traits too.

She enjoys sitting in the window.

She ignores other dogs.

She plays in boxes, similar to cats.

You know where only her head is popped out.

But she does love playing in the snow. A lot.

She enjoys being buried in the snow.

Below is how she lays like a cat.

And sleeps like a cat.

She’s very lazy like a cat.

And usually that is what her day consists of.

All. Day. Long.

Just like a cat.

She does silly things too, like pretend she is innocent.

Or get her head stuck in a bag of chips.

And she was just as adorable as a puppy too.

She loved to cuddle with stuffed animals.

And her box ideas started.

But she was super happy and still is.

She obeys extremely well.

And is very calm.

Unfortunately,the redditor doesn’t provide any cat pictures in his album. “She was raised with cats by her previous owners, and they only gave me puppy pictures without the cats. I can’t prove she was raised with them or that she truly thinks she’s a cat,”explains the funny husky’s owner.
I would love to meet her in person and get to know her personality.
What did you think of this adorable doggy? Let us know in the comments below.