Twins are extremely rare in horses. If we turn to statistics, the chance for a horse to have twin foals is about one in 10. Given this information, Destiny’s mare can be called a real phenomenon because this horse managed to give birth to twin foals twice in just a year and a half. Destiny lives on Tanya McKee’s farm. Tanya runs a stable in Devonshire, UK, near Exeter.
Just recently, the 19 year old mare became a mother, once again giving birth to a second pair of twin foals. Given that it’s a very unlikely birth, it can be considered a real miracle. The foals were born completely healthy, which surprised and delighted their owners. However, the most surprising part is that only 18 months ago, Destiny had already given birth to two folds. Obviously, this case attracted the interest of the local media and so Tanya gave an interview on the day Destiny was supposed to give birth.
The owners didn’t leave her side. A couple of hours after the labor started, the first foal was born, but the story didn’t end there. Soon, Destiny’s contractions began again and she gave birth to the second foal. As I mentioned earlier, these cases are very rare, so the owners were worried about the health of the foals. The Happy Horse family was captured in the photo and the picture was posted online where it immediately gained incredible popularity.
Over 100 social media users have liked it in the first hours after publication. Soon, the foals will turn into beautiful adult horses, but right now they refuse to leave their mother’s side, even for a second. According to their owner, the twins were kept in isolation at first, but now they’re starting to release them into the herd. However, even surrounded by relatives, the twins prefer to stick together and when they see an unfamiliar horse, they immediately run for the protection of their mother, which no one risks approaching.