So our story starts with this lady. Details are still a little murky on this whole scenario, but from what is generally believed, the women had thrown a chicken bone to the Polar Bear. It appears she was trying to move forward to give the bear more, when it decided that she looked like a better meal than some tiny chicken bone. The bear attacks her multiple times until something forces it to back away from the women. She gathers herself and is able to walk away from the encounter.
Check Out The Full Video Of The Polar Bear Attack. Warning: May Not Be Suitable For All Viewers
Alright, so let’s move on to the part of this whole thing that is stirring up all the controversy. Another video has been connected to the first one, showing a man tossing a dog from the top of what looks like a set of shipping containers near the corner where the woman was.
The man almost seems to be consoling the dog or trying to keep it from going after the Polar Bear. He quickly grabs the dog from behind though and tosses him directly at the Polar Bear in an attempt to distract the bear from the woman and bystanders.
The dog surely doesn’t realize what is going on. To me, this is absolutely heartbreaking.
Check Out The Whole Video. Warning: May Not Be Suitable For All Viewers
What do you guys think? Personally, I don’t see any women near the Polar Bear at this point in time, so I really don’t see what the point throwing the dog in there was. What is even more sickening is the man appears to be laughing after he throws the dog and it starts yelping as the Polar Bear attacks it with its powerful claws. This to me is nothing short of animal abuse and torture. It is difficult to judge however, because we don’t know for certain whether a woman’s life was actually in danger at the time the dog was thrown. What are your guys opinions? Sound off in the comments!