
Cat Rescued From Storm Drain

Have you ever come across an animal in distress? It’s a sad situation whenever you see an animal in a situation they can’t seem to get themselves out of. As a professed animal lover, it’s even hard for me to watch rescue videos most times. They can reveal just how cruel life can be for an animal without a family to love and take care of them. Well for Imgur user CheyAdeleRose, this heartbreaking scenario reared its ugly head recently. She was walking her dog near her apartment complex when she heard some sounds coming from a storm drain. She approached and was saddened to find a very frightened and hungry cat stuck inside. She documented her rescue of the cat, take a look below.
Cat Rescued From Storm Drain
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CheyAdeleRose was doing her nightly routine of walking her dog, when she stumbled across a scared cat stuck inside a storm drain. Unfortunately for her, the cat was so scared that every time she tried to get near it, it would hiss and spit at her.

Cat Rescued From Storm Drain
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The drain was extremely small, about 8″ high, and 1’x1′. The hole for the cat to crawl out of was also extremely small, the Imgur user couldn’t even see it. The cat was actually blocking it by just laying down inside the drain. CheyAdeleRose said the cat’s fur was very matted, it seemed the cat had been there at least a few days.

Cat Rescued From Storm Drain
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The poster found the cat at around 10 P.M. She then called a friend who came with a crow bar and some screw drivers. After about an hour with no luck, they gave up. The drain was cemented shut, so there was really no hope of them getting inside to rescue the cat. She then called animal control which arrived at about 1 A.M. They then spent about 2 hours trying to coax the kitty back down the pipe she had used to get into the storm drain she was in. Unfortunately they were unsuccessful.

Cat Rescued From Storm Drain
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The good Samaritan stayed with the cat until about 4 A.M.. At that point though, she needed to get some sleep (who wouldn’t). The poster was hoping that by people leaving the cat alone for a bit, it may find its way back down the pipe it had come in. The lady slept for about 4 hours. She would wake up every 45 minutes to see if the cat had made its way out of the drain. Unfortunately by 8 A.M. the cat wasn’t able to figure out how to get out. This lady is showing some serious dedication to this feline in the process though.

Cat Rescued From Storm Drain
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Animal control made its way back to the apartment complex after they got the ok to break open the drain in order to retrieve the cat.

Cat Rescued From Storm Drain
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6 men from the fire department came out to help break open the grate. While they were doing that, the cat got scared however. During its panic, the cat was able to squeeze itself through the hole it had originally come through. The volunteers then raced to the next storm drain where the cat was able to find its way out the way it had come in.

Cat Rescued From Storm Drain
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This is the last shot of the cat the poster was able to get. This is the cat running free of the drain system. The poster tried to catch the cat and take it to receive some medical attention. The cat was so spooked from the ordeal however, that it ran off and was not able to be found.

This was an extremely dedicated person who would stay with a stray cat in a situation like this. You don’t find this kind of helpfulness too often in society anymore. This lady made it her responsibility to make sure this cat was able to get out of this situation safely. While the cat was unable to be caught, it now has at least a chance at survival.