The sanctuary is located in Anacortes, an island near Seattle, Washington.

You can experience a two-hour tour at the Predators of the Heart Sanctuary with some incredibly friendly wolves.

The wolves live on a 10 acre sanctuary and have been brought there only if they “find themselves without a place to live out their lives”.

The sanctuary is located just south of Vancouver, Canada off the coast of Washington. This area is incredibly beautiful and wild. It is lush and green surrounded by the ocean and lush forest.

The wolves are friendly because they have been around people so much and are very smart. They’ve learned that they are rewarded around people and enjoy it very much.

Due to the unique experience it is in high demand and there us actually a wait list to hang out with these giant dogs.

They really are just giant puppies, with enormous teeth!

The only safety issue the park has experienced was when a small dog ran onto the private property. Let’s just say it didn’t come home.

The wolves are spoiled, getting to interact with people up to twice a day. The interaction keeps them busy and friendly.

Most people are surprised at how big these wolves are.

Would you be thrilled or terrified to get giant puppy kisses from a wolf?

Because of their size and temperament, the wolf tours have an age restriction of 18+

Predators of the Heart Sanctuary has been open since 1998 and sits on a very wild 10 acres. They house other animals as well.

They have a goal to educate children about wildlife. They use an approach that leads to animal appreciation, affection, compassion and respect. They hope this will carry on throughout life in order to conserve species.

“Our purpose is to develop caring and concern for the animals. Our aim is to help open the eyes of their hearts to see that all nature is interconnected and realize that apart from it we cannot survive. We also serve as a sanctuary for animals that cannot be reintroduced to the wild and need a safe and healthy environment to live out the remainder of their lives.”

Predators of the Heart is a non-profit organization so their support is solely relied on by volunteers and community support.

“Predators of the Heart is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We have been captivating and educating audiences since 1998 and have become the largest traveling exhibitor in the Northwest. We are insured and licensed by the USDA.”

“Our 10 acres wildlife preserve is located in the towering old-growth forest lands of Fidalgo Island. Our wolves share the compound with cougars, bobcats, lynx, hawks, owls, vultures, skunks, opossums, foxes, and a variety of exotic reptiles. We’re constantly striving to provide a safe, clean environment. Our weather is very mild and wet most of the year with cold light snow most winters.”

With a 4.9 star Google rating, it’s obvious people absolutely love what The Predators of the Heart Sanctuary are providing for these incredible animals.

The sanctuary also houses other wild animals like mountain lions. They even have a sloth on the property!

That’s right, a sloth! Is this place heaven or what?

Having been rescuing exotic and wild animals since 1998, this organization has done so much for wildlife awareness and conservancy.

This one truly spectacular way to get in touch with nature and experience it first hand.

More Info: Predators Of The Heart
If you want to experience this magical island with friendly wolves, sloths and mountain lions. Plan ahead. There is a waiting list, the reviews are amazing so you know it will be worth it.