
After This Mom Gave Birth To Her Baby, She Found Out The Secret That Grandma Took To Her Grave

Becoming a new mom can be an emotional time, and women often need lots of family support during that period. British woman Katrina Ingham found, however, that when her baby son was due to enter the world, her mother wouldn’t be there to assist her. In the end, though, Katrina turned to her sister Sarah for help, and the pair came up with a plan to get their parent involved in the birth – if only in spirit.

Katrina had discovered that she was expecting a child only eight weeks after she had been informed that her beloved mom Joanne was suffering from terminal lung cancer. And the news of the pregnancy may have been bittersweet as, given her condition, Joanne was unlikely to survive long enough to say hello to her new grandchild.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

Of hearing about her mother’s prognosis, Sarah would say in a 2016 vlog, “It was just devastating. It was the worst news we could’ve expected.” And, tragically, after the cancer had spread to her brain, Joanne would pass away on November 25, 2015, before ever having met Katrina’s baby.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

But even though her mother was no longer with her, Katrina had come up with a scheme that ensured her parent was nonetheless present at the birth of her child. What’s more, Sarah would reveal the full extent of the touching tribute in her 2016 vlog.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

Sarah is a seasoned vlogger, having documented her and her family’s exploits on the clan’s dedicated YouTube channel since 2015. Sarah, husband Chris and their three daughters Isabelle, Esme and Isla are popular, too, with close to a million subscribers; they also have in excess of 54 million views on their most popular upload.

And in a Mother’s Day special vlog published on March 10, 2016, Sarah and Katrina are seen attending an antenatal appointment at 30 weeks into Katrina’s pregnancy. The clip also shows Sarah explaining why she started documenting their family life – along, of course, with the details of the sisters’ plan to honor their late mother.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

In the emotional video, Sarah reveals that it was her mother’s death, at the age of only 48, that had prompted her to set up the YouTube channel. But that wasn’t the only gesture that had been inspired by Joanne – as viewers would find out.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

In particular, Sarah explains in the vlog that her sister had wanted their mom to choose her grandson’s name before she passed away. Sarah was the only family member to know the unborn baby’s moniker, however, and it was entrusted to her to keep this information a secret throughout the rest of the pregnancy.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

In the video, Sarah states, “Wanting our mom to have an important part in the grandchild she would never meet’s life, my sister decided my mom was to choose the name. And [Joanne] was to tell it to me just before we had to say goodbye to her.”

YouTube/The Ingham Family

Sarah continues, “My sister and her partner wanted the name to be a surprise until the day their baby was born, so his name is a secret I have been keeping for the last six months.” Then, on Friday, May 13, 2016, the baby boy was born – and it was time to reveal exactly what he would be called.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

Four days after the birth, a new video was uploaded to YouTube that captures Katrina and her partner Danny enjoying the first moments of their son’s life. Sarah had recorded the happy couple gazing lovingly at their child while simultaneously swooning over her adorable nephew. At that point, though, the pair have no idea as to the name that they would ultimately be calling the little boy.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

Sarah was on hand for the reveal, though. During the footage, the doting parents are seen unwrapping a gift box; this contained a onesie for their new bundle of joy. Then, as Danny holds the garment up, the couple can see the words stitched into its front. “My name was handpicked by my Nanna Joanne in heaven,” it says.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

After that, Sarah tells Katrina and Danny to turn the onesie around – and, as it happens, that’s exactly where their child’s name is. The pair’s faces then fill with joy when they discover that he is to be called Harrison; Danny even lets out a “yeah!” of approval.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

Sarah also gave the couple a framed piece of art, which again features the new baby’s name. In the video, this is seen sat next to a photo of the sisters’ mom – another small tribute paid to Joanne, even though she couldn’t be there in person.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

“The delivery room was filled with our mom’s things and pictures, so she felt close to us – and everything was perfect,” Sarah explained in the description to the video. Addressing Harrison, she added, “Welcome to the world, baby boy. We love you so much already.”

YouTube/The Ingham Family

And it turned out that many other people would share in the family’s joy. That’s because the video went viral, being seen nearly 700,000 times within a month of the footage being uploaded. The clip has since received close to two million views in all, with more than 500 YouTube users also being moved to comment.

YouTube/The Ingham Family

One person wrote in response to the video, for example, “Oh my God, you have made me cry. What a lovely moment. What a beautiful way to reveal the name.” They added, “Your mom would be mega-proud; she will be watching over him and you all forever.”

YouTube/The Ingham Family

Joanne’s choice of moniker for the baby boy also won plaudits from another viewer, who wrote, “So beautiful and brought tears to my eyes! After everything you’ve been through, I’m so, so happy for you all to have the wonderful gift of Harrison. I absolutely love his name; your mom certainly chose him a beautiful name.”

YouTube/The Ingham Family

And given how frequently Sarah and her family produce new vlogs, it was almost inevitable that Harrison would appear again on the Inghams’ channel. Sure, enough, the little boy can be seen in a clip posted in May 2017, which documents the clan celebrating Harrison’s first birthday at the U.K.’s Manchester Airport.

But even though the Inghams are prolific uploaders to YouTube, the video featuring the reveal of Harrison’s name arguably remains among the most touching that they have ever produced. What’s more, after he’s grown a little, his mom and aunt will have quite the story to tell him.

YouTube/The Ingham Family