
Police Rescue Adorable Puppy That Was Buried Alive

I love animals more than most humans. That’s just me being honest. A lot of people are offended when I offer up this opinion, but it’s just the truth. Animals are helpless against humans in almost every encounter that happens. Humans have higher cognitive thinking, which allows them to make rational decisions. Animals operate solely on instinct and fight or flight. So when I see stories about animal mistreatment, it really gets my blood boiling. Some stories are so heinous, they are honestly hard to believe. This story almost had me in tears while reading it.

Police in Williston, Florida could hear the cries of a dog somewhere but couldn’t pin point where it was coming from. Eventually they followed the sound to this mound of dirt.

Police Rescue Adorable Puppy That Was Buried Alive
YouTube/Funky Smile

It was in that pile of dirt that they found this adorable puppy. He was buried under a half-foot of dirt.

Police Rescue Adorable Puppy That Was Buried Alive
YouTube/Funky Smile

They rushed the pup to a vet who determined the little guy was only 7 days old! Everyone was completely aghast that someone could have done this toward an innocent and defenseless animal.

Police Rescue Adorable Puppy That Was Buried Alive
YouTube/Funky Smile

They decided to name the puppy Tucker. Luckily he was quick to take to bottle feeding, and his general seems good even after his nightmarish situation.

Police Rescue Adorable Puppy That Was Buried Alive
YouTube/Funky Smile

One of the vet technicians fell in love with Tucker, and decided to adopt him. He will now live a life of happiness and love thanks to these amazing people.

Police Rescue Adorable Puppy That Was Buried Alive
YouTube/Funky Smile

It’s heartbreaking to think that someone could do this to such an adorable little puppy, or any animal for that matter. This guy didn’t deserve any of the punishment that we was receiving. I really hope he is happy with his new family, and they cherish him like all people should their pets. Go home and hug your furry family tonight, and remember that you are their whole world.