It’s not a typical sight to see a cute dog attending mass each and every day but Tommy is far from your typical dog. In the small town of San Donaci near Brindisi, Italy a 7 year-old German Shepherd named Tommy goes to mass nearly every day and sits patiently by the altar for the whole service. The church goers all know Tommy and seeing him attend the services is a normal sight to them. The reason this dog attends church absolutely broke my heart. This loving and loyal dog has quite a story.
Loyal Tommy, a seven-year-old German Shepherd, belonged to Maria Margherita Lochi, 57, and had been her faithful companion after she adopted him when she found him abandoned in some fields close to her home.

She rescued him when he was a puppy and they formed a bond that only exists with true love, loyalty and friendship.

Ms. Lochi passed away a few months ago and Tommy has been patiently waiting for his beloved owner to return.

The church was the last place he saw her as he was there attending her funeral services. Now the dog attends church every single day.

He shows up right when the morning mass bell rings and waits until the services are completed to leave.

Tommy has since been adopted by the entire village and is fed and taken care of very well. They know that that’s exactly how Ms. Lochi would have wanted it. He’s a friend of the community and one of the most loyal dogs I’ve ever heard about. This truly breaks my heart and I hope Tommy can find peace and love that will eventually mend his broken heart. This is truly an example of why dogs are man’s best friend.