
Grandmother’s Secret Photo Album Reveals Her Double Life To Her Family

Johnny Quan always wondered what kind of life his grandmother had lived. She forbade her family from going through her photo albums, making Johnny believe she was keeping some deep, dark secret. But, at 93 years old, she passed away, leaving her photo albums to Johnny and his family. Did he dare go through the books and uncover what she’d spent a lifetime trying to hide?

Grandma Leung Ping

Though Johnny Quan was shattered by his grandmother’s passing in February 2020, he knew the 93-year-old lived a long, happy life. Since his grandma, Leung Ping, who also went by Teresa Leung, was a very private woman, he always wondered if she was hiding something.

Johnny Quan / Facebook

Love for the Arts

Leung Ping grew up in China before eventually moving to and retiring in San Francisco where the rest of the family also lives. Johnny, who resides in the Bay Area, works as a freelance artist and teacher and connects his love for the arts to his grandmother.

Johnny Quan / Facebook

A Gifted Musician

It was no secret that Grandma Leung was a gifted musician, as she’d occasionally sing and play piano at family gatherings. But this was the extent of what Leung Ping revealed to her family, which always left Johnny wanting more.

Johnny Quan

When I Go

While Leung Ping would let Johnny and the rest of the family flip through some of her photo albums, she had several that were always off limits. A frustrated, curious Johnny pried, begging his grandmother to see the secret albums, to which she replied “You can see them when I go.”

Johnny Quan

Shanghai’s Golden Age

And when Leung Ping finally did go of natural causes, her family read through the behind-the-scenes chapters of her story. The album held photos that highlighted her life during the “Golden Age” of Shanghai, a time of prosperity and growth.

Johnny Quan

A Record Deal

After studying at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, she was signed to Pathé Records (which was later taken over by EMI Group). The blooming talent signed her first record deal in 1942, at just 15 years old.

Johnny Quan

Trained in Shidaiqu

The singer and musician was formally trained in shidaiqu, a genre of fusion music originating in Shanghai in the ’20s. It combines aspects of Chinese folk music with jazz instrumentals, creating a unique hybrid sound. Shidaiqu vocals are sung in a high-pitched, almost babyish tone, one that requires a skilled voice.

Johnny Quan

Performing Across Shanghai

Johnny and the family were dumbfounded to discover she recorded music and performed in nightclubs across Shanghai in the 1930s, wooing the mesmerized Western businessmen who often attended her shows. With hits like “Spring Does Not Come,” “My Youthful Days,” and “Wang Zhaojun,” Leung was a star. But her life was not without low points.

Johnny Quan

Political Ruins

At the end of World War II, China endured a brutal civil war between the Communist Party of China and the Nationalist Party, the Kuomintang. Chaos at the end of the ’40s made it difficult for China’s people to prosper, as foreign business and investments declined rapidly.

Bettmann / Getty Images

Fleeing Shanghai

After a costly battle in 1949, the government lost control of Shanghai to the Communists, forcing Leung and her family to flee to Hong Kong, a place many Chinese people were looking to as a refuge.

Johnny Quan

“Yellow Music”

Escaping the political debacle in Shanghai was necessary for Leung’s career. See, the modern style of music that made her famous was deemed “yellow music,” as it contained materialistic nods that were looked down on by the Communist government.

Johnny Quan

A Cultural Sanctuary

“In Chinese, ‘yellow’, 黄, is a pun for ‘pornographic,'” Johnny stated. Thankfully, Hong Kong in the ’50s celebrated controversial arts and culture, making it a perfect place for Leung, a famous shidaiqu star, to thrive.

Johnny Quan

Meeting Sir Run Run Shaw

After a short run in Hong Kong, Leung and her family moved to Singapore, where she met philanthropist and entertainment mogul Sir Run Run Shaw. Aside from his immense influence in Asian entertainment (pioneering kung-fu films), he also co-produced certain American films like 1982’s sci-fi masterpiece Blade Runner.

Central Press / Getty Images

Welcoming Liz Taylor

Sir Run Run Shaw saw something in Leung Ping, so when classic Hollywood superstar Elizabeth Taylor visited Singapore in November 1957, he asked Leung to be one of the representatives of the Singaporean entertainment industry to welcome Liz Taylor.

Johnny Quan

Famous Faces

Though Johnny and the family knew somewhat of Leung’s fame in China, they thought it was quite niche and underground. They had no idea she partied with American stars like Elizabeth Taylor and legendary contralto singer Marian Anderson. These prominent interactions only made Leung more famous in Asia.

Johnny Quan

International Model

And that fame took her places — like international beverage advertisements. German beer brand Beck made Leung the face of one of its ads, showing her accepting a beer off a platter while sporting a sleek black dress with a slit up the leg.

Johnny Quan

Miss Universe

But with every page Johnny turned, more surprises followed. Amazingly, according to a tucked-away newspaper clipping, Leung also competed in the first-ever Miss Universe pageant in 1952. And while her career in the entertainment, music, and modeling industries was important, Leung had one other strong passion.

Johnny Quan

A New Life

In the midst of her growing fame and cultural influence, Leung got married and became a mother. After more than three decades of success, she decided to immigrate to the U.S., thinking her children and future grandchildren may find greater opportunity there. San Francisco was their new home.

Johnny Quan

Performing in the States

Because Leung Ping was a strong, zealous woman, she continued to pursue singing in America despite not speaking English fluently, and even gave music lessons. Though she was most eminent in Asia, Leung was invited to perform for adoring audiences in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, along with Canada and Australia.

Johnny Quan

Celebrating Her Legacy

Johnny and his family were flabbergasted at the rich history Grandma Leung Ping’s photo albums held. She hid so much from them, and though they’ll never know the reason as to why, they’ll forever celebrate her legacy and look up to her as a role model. She followed her dreams and let nothing stop her from shining.

Johnny Quan

Living on the Edge

We don’t typically view our elderly grandparents as these adventurous, audacious beings, whether or not they were like that in their previous life as Leung Ping was. But it was this waltz with the wild that fueled 97-year-old Ingeborg Neufeld.

Johnny Quan