

Yeayy it’s Thanksgiving, Naah not for this family

Thanksgiving is a harvest festival celebrated by friends and family and it is a time to appreciate everything that you have. Last year, there was a family who didn’t have the opportunity to celebrate this wonderful festival. They were homeless. But a local woman proved to be a blessing in disguise for them.

Family In Dilemma

At the fag end of 2016, things were turning out from bad to worse for Eric and his wife Olivia. The couple had two children, one was five-years-old and the other was just a year old and Olivia was expecting one more. They were in a dilemma. The family didn’t have their own home. Basically, from Florida, the couple was fighting tooth and nail in the hope of getting employment.

Difficult Time For the Family

The family was really having a difficult time. A bus, which used to be a school bus, was their home and the mode of transport. In Missouri, the couple’s efforts to find a job were in vain. They decided to travel to Colorado around the Thanksgiving time. Someone informed them that there were a plethora of working opportunities in Colorado.

The couple was grasping at straws

However, it seemed the torrid times was never going to end soon for the family. The couple was unable to find a job, after so much of blood, sweat, and tears. Olivia was pregnant and Eric’s IDs were stolen. Family’s financial condition was getting worse day-in-day-out. So, they were in dire straits.

Vicious Cycle of Problems continued………..

With no source of income and in order to make some money the couple started to sell off their belongings. But even that didn’t help. The family was in a vicious cycle of problems. They were unable to afford food for themselves. Olivia had no other option left than to breastfeed her youngest child.

No Celebrations!!

At the time of Thanksgiving when the other families were relishing their festival time, this family was having their back to the wall. They didn’t have money to even buy a bottle of water. Not being impetuous, the couple was still hoping against the hope. They controlled their angst.

Finally, Some Help For The Family

Both Eric and Olivia might be in the zone, where they thought that they had to fight this situation all alone. But there was someone else who had noticed their plight. Lots of people might have ignored this but considering their situation, the stranger decided to help them out. The stranger was Virginia Kinch.

Kinch celebrated Thanksgiving by distributing food to the needy

Virginia Kinch was a single mother, who believed in celebrating Thanksgiving by helping others. She along with her daughters, cooked food and distributed it to the needy and homeless people. That was when they spotted this family; living in the bus. Kinch was very saddened to see their condition.

Kinch’s heart sank

The weather during this time of the season was really bad and looking at their condition, Kinch was worried about them, especially the children. Many people had noticed this family in their area but no one came to help. Kinch’s heart sank after looking at their plight. Therefore, she decided to act.

Kinch was willing to lend her Greeley House to the family

She along with her daughters came up with a plan. Kinch knew that the family didn’t have a ceiling over their head. She owned a house in Greeley, which she was willing to lend them. That would be a major help for Eric and Olivia. That was really an amazing idea to help the needy family.

Kinch’s offer to the family

Of lately, Kinch was thinking to rent her house or to sell it to anyone. But at that moment of time, she thought that it would be great to lend the house to this family. Without wasting any time, she headed to the bus, in which the family was staying and offered them to stay on her Greeley property.

Olivia was surprised by the offer

Surprised, Olivia couldn’t believe her ears. “I thought it was a prank. That was my mindset because nobody does that,” Olivia told local newspaper Times-Call. However, it was, in fact, a serious offer by Virginia Kinch. “We just couldn’t leave them like that those little babies in the cold,” she said.

Blessing In Disguise

It was truly a blessing in disguise for this family. Olivia and Eric couldn’t thank her enough for this generous offer. Virginia also invited them over for the dinner. Soon enough, the family moved in Kinch’s Greeley house and they felt a sense of security among themselves, and for the children who were suffering the most.

People in the neighborhood chipped in with some help

Moreover, except helping them with the house, Kinch made her efforts to get a financial support for the family. She asked the people from her neighborhood, to chip in with some donations to help the family. So all of them stepped up to support them. Everyone helped in their own ways. Some came in with the clothes, some with food and furniture.

Some other important bits of help came their way

This was not the only help the locals provided the family but they helped in other ways too. As Eric had lost all of his official IDs, he, therefore, needed some aid in that area as well. A local church helped him out in this matter. Meanwhile, the kids got the daycare facilities.

No more bad days

With the kids in the daycare facility, it allowed Olivia and Eric, a free hand to apply for jobs and attend the interview without any hassle. Not so long ago, the family was down in the dumps, but now it seems the bad days were going to be over soon. Olivia told Times-Call how grateful she was that Kinch came up to help them.

Kinch is an “Angel”

“It can be really difficult to get out of homelessness. People don’t understand that it’s so unstable, it’s so hard to get your footing and get out of it,” Olivia said. She even described Kinch as an “angel” who was sent by the Almighty to help them out of their sorrow. She had thanked the neighbors too.

GoFundMe Page

Virginia Kinch told Olivia and Eric that they could stay in the house until they were back on their feet. Kinch also created a GoFundMe page to help them financially. However, there were more plans in place for this family. Slowly and steadily the family was getting their stride back.

Woman With A Plan

Indeed, Kinch was planning to turn her second home into a “Baby Angel House”, a place for homeless babies. By creating a fundraising page, she wanted to raise enough bucks that would help her convert her house into a shelter house for the needy families, who were in the difficult situations.

Fundraising Page for the needy families

“Let’s partner help babies get out of the cold! We could be saving these babies’ lives!” Finch wrote on the fundraising page. Till now, the page has received a total amount of $5,953, which is enough to help Finch to support other needy families, so that they could be safe and secure.